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英语作文模板 问题解决型或现象阐述型


问题解决型文章: 第一段描述段(描述问题,说明其严重性); 第二段说明段(分析原因或危害); 第三段说明段(解决方法或措施). 此类文章建议重点写第二段. (1) Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to (某一问题). (2) It is obvious that(危害). (3) Therefore, measures should be taken to deal with the issue. (4) On the one hand, (5)On the other hand.(两方面说明)

(6) Personally, I think the following suggestions are worth trying. Because How to Treat the Parent –child Relations

Outline: 1. 父母与孩子间代购越来越大 2. 如何消除代购, 并改善关系 3. “我”的看法

Nowadays, more and more people are paying attention to the generation gap It is obvious that generation gap can lead to On the one hand, parents should be more tolerant to their children, after all, a child is a child. children should understand without their parents’ proper guide and care, they won’t be able to grow up healthily.

understanding is the key solution. It is necessary for both parents and children to understand each other for a good parent-child relationship.

Power Failure (2010) Outline: 1. 很多城市缺电现象严重 2. 分析原因 3. 提出建议

Nowadays power failure has become a more and more serious problem with production in summer because of power failure. Power failure has brought inconvenience to city people.

when it is very hot and people have to use air-conditioner. the rapid development of industry depend on a great deal of power, making the situation even worse.

Effective measures must be taken to prevent power problem from getting people should enhance their awareness of saving power. Recently, there is a great shortage of electricity supply in many cities. The



  • 阐述观点英语作文模板
  • 现象类英语作文模板
  • 社会现象英语作文模板
  • 现象解释型作文模板
  • 现象型英语作文模板
  • 英语作文解决问题模板
  • 问题解决型作文模板
  • 毕业作品阐述模板



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