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2015年6月四级考试阅读真题(Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking)

2015年6月四级考试阅读真题(Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking)一篇

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with aletter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking

A)Since Steve Jobs resigned as chief executive of Apple , much has been said about

him as a peerlessbusiness leader who has created immense wealth for shareholders, and guided the design of hitproducts that are transforming entire industries, like music and mobile communications.

B)All true, but let’s think different, to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of years

back. Let’s look atMr. Jobs as a role model.

C) Above all, he is an innovator(创新者). His creative force is seen in products such

as the iPod,iPhone, and iPad, and in new business models for pricing and distributing music and mobile softwareonline. Studies of innovation come to the same conclusion: you can’t engineer innovation, but you canincrease the odds of it occurring. And Mr. Jobs' career can be viewed as a consistent pursuit ofimproving those odds, both for himself and the companies he has led. Mr. Jobs , of course, hasenjoyed singular success. But innovation, broadly defined, is the crucial ingredient in all economicprogress- higher growth for nations, more competitive products for companies, and more prosperouscareers for individuals. And Mr. Jobs, many experts say, exemplifies what works in the innovationgame.



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    暂无评价0人阅读0次下载举报文档信息_金融/投资_经管营销_专业资料。As is...Reaping the Rewards of Risk-Taking Since Steve Jobs resigned as chief ...

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