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Despicable Me [卑鄙的我].English

00:40:11,496 --> 00:40:13,331
Just so you know,

00:40:13,414 --> 00:40:15,375
you're never gonna be my dad.

00:40:55,623 --> 00:40:57,792
He's just kidding, Agnes.

00:41:56,684 --> 00:41:59,354
Okay. But first,
we're going to dance class.

00:42:02,440 --> 00:42:06,986
Actually, we can't
skip the dance class today.

00:42:07,070 --> 00:42:09,072
We have a big recital coming up.

00:42:09,155 --> 00:42:12,408
- We're doing an excerpt from Swan Lake.

00:42:20,583 --> 00:42:21,626

00:42:23,628 --> 00:42:26,840
We're not going to deliver cookies
until we doing dance class.

00:42:44,774 --> 00:42:46,526
Walking to dance class.


00:44:25,291 --> 00:44:27,794
Do you have my cookies for me?

00:44:35,510 --> 00:44:37,470
Four boxes of mini-mints,
two toffee totes,

00:44:37,554 --> 00:44:42,267
two caramel clumpies
and fifteen boxes of coco-nutties.

00:44:49,440 --> 00:44:50,984
That'll be $52.

00:45:35,278 --> 00:45:36,321
What sort of stuff?

00:48:24,030 --> 00:48:27,158
But what about the other people
who ordered cookies?

00:48:47,428 --> 00:48:48,555
- Please?

00:48:48,638 --> 00:48:50,265
We'll never ask for anything else,
ever again!

00:48:50,348 --> 00:48:52,392
- Please?

00:48:59,566 --> 00:49:01,484
- Come on!

00:50:27,946 --> 00:50:29,405
You've gotta let us play for it!

00:51:10,405 --> 00:51:12,866
- Wait!

00:52:42,330 --> 00:52:44,457
That was awesome!
00:54:20,178 --> 00:54:21,888
Hey, can we order pizza?

00:54:21,971 --> 00:54:23,890
Pizza? You just had lunch.

00:54:23,973 --> 00:54:25,141
Not now, for dinner.

00:54:29,771 --> 00:54:31,564
Can we get stuffed crust?

00:59:55,680 --> 00:59:57,891
He looks like a girl!

01:02:45,433 --> 01:02:47,227
And without a bedtime story,

01:02:47,227 --> 01:02:49,938
we'll just keep getting up
and bugging you.

01:05:10,161 --> 01:05:12,747
He is not gonna kiss us
good night, Agnes.

01:08:18,975 --> 01:08:21,478
Goodbye, Mr. Gru.
Thanks for everything.

01:13:57,438 --> 01:13:59,858
Why would he come?
He gave us up.

01:14:15,999 --> 01:14:18,084
He's not coming, guys.

01:16:49,819 --> 01:16:52,322
- Mr. Gru!

01:17:14,469 --> 01:17:16,304
He is gonna kick your butt.

01:19:19,344 --> 01:19:20,678
Did you see that?

01:19:20,804 --> 01:19:23,515
- Vector! Help!
- Vector!

01:19:23,598 --> 01:19:24,808
- Over here!
- Hey!

01:20:08,935 --> 01:20:11,146
- Mr. Gru, up here!
- Mr. Gru!

01:20:20,488 --> 01:20:21,906
You gave us back!

01:24:39,455 --> 01:24:41,082
I love you.



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