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A man and his wife had a dog to their house.When they went out,they always left the dog inside the house.

One evening they wanted to go to the they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their in their car.

When the film finished, they came back home.They opened the gate and put the car the door was broken.The door was unlocked and .A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see things the robber had taken.But everything was in the place The dog in the sitting room on the floor.The lady was the dog.“Why didn’t you keep the house?”she said.The dog was to see its owner.It began to wag(摇) its tail and then it went to a corner of the room and picked something up in its mouth.It went to the lady and the thing at her feet.When the lady went to pick it up ,she gave a scream.Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It’s was a man’s .

1. A.keep B.look at C.see D. notice

2. A.so B.but C.then D. because

3.A.garden’s gate B.gardens’ gate C.gardens gate D. garden gate

4. A.got off B. got on C.went off D. went on

5. A.up B.down C.away D.into

6. A.at B.in C.on D. to

7. A.half-open B. half-opens C. half-opened D. half-opening

8. A.how B.when C.that D.what

9. A.right B.left C.wrong D.just

10.A.to miss B.to be missing C.was missed D. was missing

11. A.was slept B.felt asleep C.was sleeping D. fell sleeping

12. A.afraid of B.angry with C. worried about D.surpried

13.A.sad B.pleased C.quick D.quiet

14. A.pulled B.threw C.dropped D.took

15、A.finger B.heard C.heart D.teeth



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