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英语(牛津上海版)7B M1U1练习 (1T)


英语(牛津上海版)7B Module 1 Unit 1练习 (1T)

(上海教科院豫英实验学校初一年级英语备课组 200902)

Class ________Name____________

I. Choose a word or an expression in the box which is the closest in meaning

to the underlined part of each sentence:

英语(牛津上海版)7B M1U1练习 (1T)

( ( ( ( ) 4. It’(

英语(牛津上海版)7B M1U1练习 (1T)


( (

( ) 4. I’m afraid I can’

( (Key:FABCE)

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms:

1. We are going to write a ___________ (tour) guide. (tourist)

2. Kitty is making a note of her classmates’ ____________(suggest).


3. In Shanghai you can do some ____________ (shop) in the huge

department store. (shopping)

4. Our English teacher is showing some ______________ (foreign) around

our school. (foreigners)

5. At the meeting, the two new comers told us something about

_____________ (they). (themselves)

6. Shanghai is an __________(nation) city. ( international)

7. Tian’anmen Square is _____________ (know) as “the centre of Beijing”.


8. Could you give us some ____________ (sugget)? (suggestions)

9. Nanjing Road Walkway is __________ (fame) for its shopping paradise.



  • 牛津初中英语7b mp3
  • 牛津英语7b单词表
  • 牛津英语7b unit1
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  • 新版牛津英语7b
  • 上海牛津英语7b
  • 牛津7b知识点
  • 7b英语单词表



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