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《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

《舌尖上的中国》第一季第一集 自然的馈赠 (双语-段段对照)Episode 1 gift of nature

第一集 自然的馈赠


China has a large population, and the richest and most varied natural landscapes in the world——plateaus,forests, lakes and coastlines. These various geographical features and climate conditions have helped to form and preserve widely different species. No other country has so many potential food sources as China. By collecting, fetching, digging, hunting and fishing, people have acquired abundant gifts from nature. Traveling through the four seasons, we'll discover a story about nature and the people behind delicious Chinese foods.

自然的馈赠 (1) ---松茸传奇


Shangri-La, Yunnan, in the ancient forests nestled by snowy mountains. The air is wet and cool in the rainy season. It's not easy to catch up with Danzhen Zhuoma in the forest of pines and oaks. Zhuoma and her mother are looking for an elf-like food. Zhuoma has found matsutake under the pine needles. It's a one matsutake every kilometre. Matsutake yield was once high, but the price was low. Its production has fallen this year while the price has surged.'' Matsutake is very expensive. At restaurants in the big cities, a dish of roast matsutake will cost 1600 yuan. Matsutake has an intense scent. After being lightly roasted吉迪村是香格里拉松茸产地的中心。凌晨三点,这里已经变成一座空村,所有有能力上山的人,都已经出门去寻找那种神奇的菌子。卓玛对记者这样说道:“如果不早出来的话,别人在我前面,我就什么都找不到,别人把全部松茸都拔走了。”穿过村庄,母女俩要步行走进20公里之外的原始森林,即使对于熟悉森林的村民,捡拾松茸也是一项凭运气的劳动,品质高的松茸都隐藏在土层之下。卓玛的妈妈找寻着两天前亲手掩藏过的菌坑,沙壤土层中果然又长出了新的松茸,可惜今年雨水不足,松茸太小。卓玛不安的说:“妈妈就是不会注意自己的身体,光顾着找松茸,我就是有一点担心,有一天她头晕倒在山上,毕竟她已经岁数大了。”

Jidi village sits in the center of the matsutake production area in Shangri-La. It’s already empty before 3 am. Villagers who are able to climb mountains are out-searching for the amazing mushroom. “If we are late, the others won’t give us a chance. We won’t find her mother will hike to the ancient forest 20 kilometres away. Even to the villagers familiar with the forest, to find a pit that she concealed two days ago. Under the earth, a new matsutake is growing but it is very small due to a lack of rain. “My mother cares more about looking for matsutake than her own health. I’m a little worried that one day she might faint while in the mountain. She is getting old.”




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