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On improving students’ speaking ability


With the coming of knowledge economy and the development of the information age, the global economic tend to integration. International economic cooperation and trade is more and more frequent. Multicultural global village is being formed, with which people have a new knowledge of the value of English. Nowadays the purpose of foreign language education is not just so that we can simply say a few words of English and can do translation, but in order to make the future citizens of multiculturalism in the global village of survival and development and to make full use of information technology for knowledge innovation .

Foreign language education for the promotion of international cooperation, the maintenance of world peace and development is of great significance. .Many national education policies are pointed out, learning and mastering a foreign language is one of the necessary conditions for twenty-first Century qualified citizens. This paper expounds the importance of spoken English, some barriers in the process of speaking communication and find out the causes of these problems and put forward some advices, which can really improve the quality of oral English teaching and improve students' oral English speaking ability

Key words: speaking ability, communication ability, English teaching.



  • improving
  • nature is speaking
  • generally speaking
  • speaking
  • speakingmax
  • students
  • hello rick speaking
  • public speaking



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