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016 Letters and emails

Do you write many letters or emails?

Quite a few parts of my touch with my friends are finished by emails. They are quite convenient and fast whenever the internet is available. And surely people can make it on their tablets and cell phones as well right over these years.

Who do you usually write to?

They are mainly my superiors and partners during my working hours. I keep in contact with my family members and friends by phone calls and voice messages. These two major forms of my communication.

Do you prefer to write letters by hand or to use a computer?

It varies according to differentiating occasions. In terms of some official forms, it is required by letters. While other times, there are e-form or e-paper of SOP for us to reach, so it mainly depends on the occasions.

How often do you write an email or a letter?

I compose email every day. They are mainly to my superiors and partners during my working hours. On the other hand, I keep in contact with my family members and friends by phone calls and voice messages. These two major forms of my communication.

What are the differences between emails and letters?

Correspondence is a traditional channel for generations to keep in touch with others several decades back over the last century. They were usually more affectionate and treated cautiously and discreetly accordingly.

Is it hard to think of what to write?

Yes, especially there are some frustrations of my close friends that need alleviating in time, and relative words really deserve a second thought before they reach out for them to show care and comfort.

What kind(s) of letter/email to do you think is (are) the hardest to write?

If have to be write letters to retrieve the loans back from my friends in due time. This will definitely be a hardest task, I don’t want to push them or make them feel forced to do something. Maybe such things are best left unsaid so that there won’t incur harmful misunderstanding.

How do you feel when you receive a letter or email?

Well, compared to email, letters, especially handwritten ones tend to mean much more to people, they are likely to hold more sincere affections on one hand, and on the other hand, they may well extend a nicer share of wish to be loved ones.



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